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Salesian Family Mission
At Don Bosco Prep High School we are hosting a special Out of Darkness and Into His Marvelous Light: The Joy of Love retreat day with 1000+ high school students, staff and faculty with an underlying them of It's All About Relationships. We will ha...
Virtue to Vocation
Our Catholic High School is working towards better supporting and educating  parents. We know the teenage years are difficult to navigate and want to help our families take the right approach when parenting. Our goal is to form a support group for...
FCA High School Talks
I am speaking at FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) in our South Riding, VA public high school on the topic of friendship, dating and chastity, and would love to give them a chance to experience a different message than what the public schools...
St. Padre Pio Parish
At St. Padre Pio Parish, we are on a mission to spread the message of chastity in our parish through Jason and Crystalina Evert's books. We have hosted Jason as a speaker in our parish and want to use these resources to continue building on the fo...
Antioch Retreat
Every fall and spring we hold an Antioch Retreat at our parish in Carmel, IN that includes a talk on chastity. We hope to give students immediate access to chastity resources after the talk, while their hearts are most open to receiving them. Belo...
Pure in Heart - Ireland
Pure in Heart is an International Catholic movement of young adults who, through prayer and friendship, strive together to learn, live and share the true meaning and beauty of human sexuality. We have weekly prayer meetings with talks on the topic...
Marriage Enrichment Program
Preparing for the vocation of married life takes focus and caution. Our parish is aiming to guide couples with great intention and explore their future as husband and wife in depth. We are starting a new marriage enrichment program in our parish b...
Notre Dame Seminarian Project
I am an undergraduate seminarian at the University of Notre Dame. My brothers and I encounter many of our peers in need of good spiritual resources on chastity. Being Seminarians that are mixed with ordinary Undergraduate and Graduate Students mak...
Steubenville Pregnancy Center
As a nurse at a crisis pregnancy center in Steubenville, OH, I want to help women before, during, and after these crisis pregnancies. I will be giving talks at the local high schools and want to leave students with some resources. These books save...
St. Joseph's Home
As a religious sister in the UK, I am working with University students in Bristol. The young adults we work with are in a very formative part of their lives. Our ministry is present to add guidance and support to the students. We would like to use...
The Pro-Life Experience
The Pro-Life Experience is a unique, immersive Pro-Life camp for High School students. Held in Dallas, our campers spend a week learning the truth of the Dignity of the Human Person, doing service at local Pro-Life ministries, and building a commu...
Spain Youth Project
Our mission is centered around proclaiming the gospel of chastity in midst of younger generations. We are aiming to lead our local youth through these developing years and support a healthy growth in purity. One of our main goals is to be equipped...
Imago Dei Project
We are hosting four Theology of the Body workshops at high schools in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We want to show teenagers and young people what God has prepared for them. Above all, show them how the personal experiences and desires of each one hav...
Totus Tuus Apostolate in Singapore
At the Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace in Singapore, we are embarking on a Eucharistic Revival through a newly established Totus Tuus Apostolate. We are meeting with your youth each week for faith formation and Eucharistic Adoration. During our ...
US Air Force in Texas
I’m serving in the United States Air Force and living on Shepppard AFB in Wichita Falls, TX until the beginning of October. My mission is to help develop, evangelize and expand the Catholic Community that exists here. The Sunday Mass is where we a...
Ascend is a group of men at the University of Notre Dame whose mission is to free men from the sins of lust–primarily pornography and masturbation–through prayer, accountability, and brotherhood. Ascend's small groups discuss progress and setbacks...
Christ's Youth in Action
We are starting a new initiative to provide materials to the local youth leaders in the Philippines. Their guidance and support of our young people make such a difference in vocational development. We are hoping to build our collection, starting w...
Ecuador Medical Mission
As a Catholic Medical Doctor from Ecuador, I strive to provide what I can for my community. I am hoping to promote chastity to families in my parish and whoever is willing to listen. To reach my goal, I am asking for your help in donating to my fi...
University of Jos
Our group is made up of young university and high school students in Nigeria. We carry out advocacy programs in schools, churches, and in the open markets. We are a pro-life ministry and have saved eight students from aborting their babies, helpin...
Akron Women's Outreach
Many women encounter difficulties and carry a variety of burdens of trauma. I am looking for resources to build a local ministry that will support women with these struggles. It is important to send the message of redemption and encourage a new pa...
Boston Pregnancy Center
Our goal is to reach out to teens in the greater Boston, MA area. As a Pregnancy Center, we are striving to reach out and provide guidance to them before they fall into habits of sexuality.  We are starting first with the local parishes and workin...
The Association of Catholic Teens
A group of Maryland students are working together to run an organization called, The Association of Catholic Teens. We are working to bring youth from all around Maryland together to get to know Christ in a deeper way, in a community of likeminded...